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Actually, I don't think we should argure on  獨立 or not 獨立....
Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and even Macau is different places, different culture.
As a Asian, 99% Hong Kong people, I think it would benifit all of us if Chinese Commonist Govt give up demanding 統一
統一 is only a game of power for those guys in Beijing, I don't care.....
I think we are Brothers and Sisters, I think u guys are affected by your parents and adults,
I think it is not a mature time to talk about 統一, I think we should respect Taiwan people's choice, it they want to 獨立, that's fine for me.
Many People in this group talk about taiwan is part of China, Every Chinese should support unifing China and taiwan. They are proud of being Chinese, however 這些自豪是建基於對弱小民族的迫害.


下面引用由未來人2002/10/29 07:03am 發表的內容:
That's why I say that it is not a mature time to talk about unifing Taiwanand China...
"中國少了你這些人可團結些 "
不如台灣全民投票! They won't say they are  中國人....
Too many 中國人cannot accept 不同的意見
That's why 中國人不團結
有智者, 從不介意別人有不同的意見, 存異求同 !
I also HOPE Taiwan people will accept Chinese as their brother and sister...but since there are too many narrow mined 中國人.......