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從咁多位既對話之中, 我有幾個問題 :
1. 如果係基督教既學校, 又何來"修士"呢?
2. 據了解, 呢間學校由創建開始一直到宜家所有校長都係一家大細搬入頂樓, 咁又何以單身一個呢??




If I am correct,  it must be my old school.  I graduated from that school more than 10 years ago.  I didn't feel comfortable to stay at school after 4:30.  Especially the times at the main floor lady washroom.  I aslways felt  that something was watching you and my heart is not feeling right ( like pressure).  Too bad,  One day, Me and some other classmates (GUYS AND GIRLS) needed to stay at school really late  around 7 for school event. We were all in the fourth floor classroom busy working.  But our reserved time from school was up and we had to go.  Because the guys needed to use the washroom, so we all walked toward the back stair (guy washrroom right beside the stairs). I was waiting and nothing to do, so looked everywhere.  I saw something and it/he was walking down the stairs.  the color of that thing is between black and white( a kind of like semi- transparent) It/He was face down. I did not really have chance to see the face( I am glad I didn't).  I didn't want to sscare my classmates.  I didn't ask them if they saw that or not.  (i think they did,  because they had any strange act all).  I believed in myself and what i saw(more than few times  experiences).  As soon as the guys done, we all walked down the stairs all together.  From walking down stair from 4th floor to main floor, I didn't see it again.
sorry i don't mean to type in english, I just don't know how to type in chinese.


究竟你地所說的水庫係係邊度?我住左愛民村幾年都唔清楚...= =